How Well is Sorokin's Name Known in Russia and Neighboring Lands?
During his life in the United States, Pitirim Sorokin was often asked for his views on social, cultural, and political issues by newspaper reporters and authors writing for periodicals, so that his name became fairly well known to educated members of the general public. In 2014, the 125th anniversary of his birth, this no longer is true here, but in Russia his name recognition has gradually increased during the period following the collapse of Soviet Russia. One way to estimate how well present-day Russians have been exposed to his name and to aspects of his legacy is through use of the Russian-language internet search engine and examination of the references obtained. Using the entry "Pitirim Sorokin 125" over 1000 references were found, and about 200 when restricted to the one month period enclosing his birth date (January 10-February 10).
About half of the references came from various places in the Komi Republic, Sorokin's birthplace and the site of celebrations during his 125th year [see below]. The remaining came from a wide geographical area: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Central Russia (Ivanovo and Arzamas), Northern Russia (Murmansk, Archangelsk, Novgorod, Yarensk), Siberia (Tom'), Ukraine (Kharkov), and Northern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar). About 60 percent of these references originated from various news agencies, about 30 percent came from on-line library sites or book stores and included term papers posted by promising students as well as other ready-made "products" for sale to lazy ones less keen on their course work. The remaining 10 percent contained links to social media forums, interviews, announcements of book exhibits, and analytical materials where Sorokin's name appears.